
Exposure Analytics and COVID-19

In these uncertain times our thoughts go to our staff, colleagues, customers, suppliers, competitors and friends. None of us have experienced anything like this before in our lifetimes. It feels surreal but it is so real and impacting on every single person in the world. If you watched a [...]

Where It Began – International Confex

We're looking forward to International Confex later this month. The event marks six years since we made our debut as a company there in 2014, and our technology to capture event analytics was used for the first time. Over the last six years it has been deployed at over 3500 [...]

Data and Dining

Event Industry News and Exposure Analytics are hosting a Data and Dining event on Friday 6th March 2020.  It will be an exclusive opportunity to hear fantastic speakers who will share how they use event technology to gather unique metrics about the movement and engagement of their attendees. Adam Parry [...]

Introducing our Twitter integration

You know that social media is a really important part of successful events and experiential activity.  The more people you can engage in person and online the better. So wouldn’t it be great if you can capture this data all in one place? That's why we've added our new Twitter [...]

1 platform, 23 countries. 1000+ events!

What a 2019 it has been for Exposure Analytics. Another packed year helping our customers make the most of their events, exhibitions and activations. We started our year at CES in January and then attended Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and the Event Production Show in London. A fantastic [...]

Double award-winning event technology 

We’re still buzzing from the Event Tech Awards where, for the second year in a row, we picked up top spot in two categories. They were Best use of Technology for Event Analytics / Data Collection and Best use of Wireless Technology.  We were also shortlisted for three other awards [...]

See you at Event Tech Live!

    We can't wait for this year’s Event Tech Live, and not just because we are shortlisted in five categories at the Event Technology Awards!   We’re looking forward to meeting attendees, providing free coffee, and giving away over £1000 worth of prizes. Our Commercial Director Rob Murdoch will [...]

Using Data Effectively

In preparation for recording my third podcast with Event Tech Live recently, I’ve been thinking about data effectiveness and how it’s improved over the past five years in the event tech industry. It has transformed how events are run and I’m proud of the part that our company has played [...]