Data driven insights can help you navigate the challenges of measuring your event marketing return on investment (ROI). The main ordeal here is to accurately track and attribute the direct impact your live events have on your revenue, where results can be influenced by many different factors spread over time. Benefits such as brand awareness, networking, and customer relationships can be hard to quantify, which also complicates the calculation of clear ROI.

Data-driven insights in experiential and live event marketing can revolutionise your promotional strategies by:

  • enabling you to make informed decisions
  • enhancing customer experience
  • optimising performance for sustained growth 

Tracking technology in event marketing allows you to monitor your attendees’ behaviour, engagement and preferences in real time. This data driven marketing insight will establish the aspects of your event that are the most effective, allowing for informed decision making. By analysing patterns, you can optimise your marketing strategies, improve the attendee experience, and enhance your overall event performance.

Why is data-driven marketing so crucial for the events sector? 

Data-driven insights into attendee behaviour, feedback, and other performance indicators enables you to make informed decisions in real time and retrospectively.

These informed decisions can:

  • improve attendee experiences
  • change your choice of location and approach
  • optimise your event marketing strategies
  • increase the overall effectiveness and efficiency of your future events

Essentially, data driven marketing insights help you to base any decisions on objective evidence rather than intuition or guesswork.

What kind of data can be unlocked from events?

Footfall and traffic flow

This helps you understand which areas are most popular in the event space, so you can optimise the layout and manage crowd flow to avoid congestion. A healthy traffic flow in your event is much similar to traffic on the road. Cars stuck in traffic will be delayed in getting to a shopping centre. It’s the same with your event. If you optimise the space you have effectively, you will encourage health traffic flow and more actionable interactions.

Engagement time and hotspots

Discover which exhibits or sessions are most engaging with these data driven marketing insights. Monitor how much time people spend in certain locations in the event space. This allows for better placement of key attractions and improved resource allocation, which in turn leads to an increased event ROI.

Conversion metrics

How often do you convert interest into potential leads? What leads to a solid sale? Conversion metrics evaluate the effectiveness of your event marketing campaigns and sales efforts. This helps you to refine your event marketing strategies for future events, boost conversions and increase your ROI.

Space and capacity use

Monitor and assess how well spaces are used, often in conjunction with footfall monitoring, to ensure your area is well balanced. You don’t want to have any pockets that are either overcrowded or underused. Better space planning and scheduling will lead to increased interaction, attendee satisfaction and potential ROI.

Queue management data

Again, very similar to footfall and traffic flow monitoring, queue management data can identify bottlenecks and areas needing improvement. This allows you to enhance service efficiency and improve the overall attendee experience. This in turn should lead to more interaction and potential improvement on your ROI.

Attendee demographics

If you know the needs and preferences of your target audience already, you can tailor your content and event marketing strategies accordingly. You can do this area by area when used in conjunction with space and capacity utilisation monitoring. This should enhance overall engagement and relevance.

Social media interaction

It’s not just about how people talk to or about you at the event – it’s also how they talk to or about you afterwards – especially online. Social media interaction monitoring can gauge public sentiment, identify popular topics or influencers, and assess the overall impact of your event marketing efforts.

Exposure Analytics’ Solutions for Data Collection

Here at Exposure Analytics we offer 3 types of sensors to help you gather data driven insights to measure your event’s performance.

Apex Monitor

Apex sensors count individuals in a defined space and will also monitor your exit and entry points. A single stereoscopic 3D sensor is used to accurately register footfall and track occupancy, and is fully GDPR compliant as it does not record live images. 

These data-driven insights can:

  • guide future staffing improvements
  • be used for footfall reviews
  • develop better event marketing plans
  • increase your event ROI

EX Sensor

Rather than detecting people the EX sensor detects devices. It uses the Wi-Fi signals from your attendees’ devices to capture footfall, dwell times, engagement rates, and heat maps. It comes with its own 4G sim card and internet connection, but you also have to consider the 4G capabilities of your event location.

The statistics provided by the EX Sensor include:

  • Total number of visitors
  • Engaged visitors
  • Returned visitors
  • Returned engaged visitors
  • Average dwell time
  • Engaged dwell time

People Coordinates

People Coordinates lets you analyse the precise movements of your attendees and how they interact with your space. This provides live data driven insights you can act on in real time. Each visitor is allocated an ID that you can track throughout the event. This allows you to see their interactions in real time and establish whether or not they are engaging with the space in the way you want them to.

Analysing a full report post-event will inform you of any adjustments that may need to be made for your next event to optimise on ROI.


Our dashboard allows you to log in from anywhere to access your data-driven insights. You can access them in real-time or retrospectively post-event. You can even compare and contrast multiple different events to help maximise your ROI at future events.

Expert data driven marketing insights from Exposure Analytics

Here at Exposure Analytics we’ve been revolutionising marketing strategies with data driven insights since 2014. In that time we’ve provided accurate and valuable data at more than 6,000 events worldwide.

With a range of market-leading event marketing and analytical tools, we can help you to improve your future exhibitions and increase your event ROI.

For more information you can visit our FAQ page or contact us, one of our team members will be more than happy to discuss your event marketing requirements.