In this blog, we will discuss the benefits that sensor and tracking technology can have on your event marketing strategy. This includes footfall analytics, people analytics and live data insights – all of which will be advantageous to your exhibitions and events now and in the future.

Carry on reading to find out what tracking technology is, how it works, the components used to make it work and the insights you can start tracking with Exposure Analytics.

What is exhibition tracking technology?

Exhibition tracking technology can be a vital part of your overall event marketing plan. It is used to monitor and analyse visitor movements and interactions with your booth or stand, or the entire event area. Sensors are used to collect data on where visitors go, how long they spend at your exhibit and the areas that get the most amount of attention.

People analytics like this can help you optimize your layout, improve visitor experience, and measure your success or ROI. This can also be used alongside other event marketing techniques such as competitor benchmarking to enhance the overall performance and experience of your exhibition.

How does tracking technology and people analytics work?

Here at Exposure Analytics, we use a combination of 3 particular sensors and methods to collect, monitor and analyse data.

Apex Monitor

Our Apex sensors employ a single stereoscopic 3D sensor to count individuals in your defined area. They can also monitor your exit and entry points. This accurately registers footfall and tracks occupancy throughout your event. It is also GDPR compliant as it does not record live images for you to store and take away.

These data driven insights can help you understand what works well and what doesn’t at any of your events, allowing you to develop better event marketing plans moving forward.

EX Sensor

EX sensors detect devices rather than people. What this means is that they pick up on Wi-Fi signals from attendees at the event. This captures footfall, dwell times, engagement rates, and heat maps. 

The people analytics provided by the EX Sensor include:

  • Total number of visitors
  • Engaged visitors
  • Returned visitors
  • Average and engaged dwell time

People Coordinates

Analyse the precise movements of your exhibition visitors and learn how they interact within your space with People Coordinates. Live data-driven insights enable you to learn from and adapt your event marketing plan in real time. Visitors are allocated an ID that you can track throughout your event, allowing you to monitor interactions and establish whether or not your offering is engaging enough.


The allocation of your own platform on our Dashboard allows you to log in from anywhere to access your data-driven insights. Access them in real-time or retrospectively post-event to improve your future event marketing plans.

The key benefits of using tracking technology for your exhibition

Real-time data collection and analysis

Tracking technology allows for the immediate gathering and processing of data as your event unfolds. With this information you can make on-the-spot adjustments to your plan, address any issues and reallocate resources or materials accordingly. This allows you to optimise your event experience while it’s still happening!

Improved visitor engagement measurement

With tracking technology, you can accurately monitor how visitors interact with various parts of your exhibit, sessions, or activities. This detailed insight aids with experiential event planning. It helps you assess which elements of your exhibition are most engaging, enabling targeted improvements to enhance visitor satisfaction.

Enhanced ROI calculation

Track metrics such as attendee behaviour, dwell time, and conversion rates to gain a clearer picture of your event’s financial impact and potential ROI. This data helps in precisely calculating your ROI, showing which aspects of the exhibition generated the most value and where resources were not so well spent.

Informed decision making for future events

The insights gained from tracking technology don’t just help you make adjustments at the time of the event, they also help shape your future events too. By understanding what worked well and what didn’t, you can make data-driven decisions to refine strategies, improve efficiency, and create more successful exhibitions.

Optimised resource and material allocation

Tracking technology helps identify which areas or exhibits attract the most visitors, allowing you to allocate resources and materials more effectively. This ensures that high-traffic areas are well supported, and underperforming areas can be re-assessed or adjusted to improve efficiency.

Personalised visitor experiences

Analyse visitor behaviour and preferences in real time to create more tailored experiences. For example, you can offer personalised recommendations to enhance visitor satisfaction and make the event more memorable.

What kind of insights could you start tracking at events?

Key insights you could start tracking as part of your event marketing strategy include:

  • Attendee demographics: Age, gender, location, profession
  • Footfall and traffic flow: Visitor movement patterns and popular areas
  • Engagement time: Time spent at your booths or sessions
  • Conversion metrics: Sign-ups, purchases, or other desired actions
  • Session attendance: Number of attendees per session or activity
  • Social media interactions: Mentions, hashtags, and engagement levels
  • Visitor feedback: Satisfaction ratings and qualitative comments
  • Performance: Leads generated, interactions, and sales
  • Queue times: Wait times at entry points or popular attractions
  • Capacity use: Room or area occupancy and popularity relative to capacity

Enhance your exhibitions with tracking technology from Exposure Analytics

We have helped to provide tracking technology and capture vital data at over 6,000 global events – in sectors such as pharmaceutical, consumer electronics, automotive, and many more. With a range of market-leading event analytics tools and software available, we can help you improve your future exhibitions and become an industry thought leader in your particular area of 

You can visit our FAQ page or contact us for more information, one of our friendly team members will be more than happy to discuss your event marketing plan in more detail and how our tracking technology can help you achieve your goals.